On Felicia:
Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself, your background, your history, your life.A. My name is Felicia Rogers. Born and raised in the southern part of the United States, I am a Christian wife and mother. I’m just your average, ordinary woman, with a side interest– writing. For eleven years, every waking moment of my life has been consumed with changing diapers, wiping noses, and kissing scrapes. But now that my children have grown and I enjoy a modicum of freedom, in addition to taking care of hearth and home, I write! I enjoy adding a flavor of realism and humor to my all too real romance stories. For what is love without a little laughter?
Q. Tell us about your favorite books, and why they were your favorites. What was your favorite book when you were a child and later during your teen and finally your adult years?
A. My favorite story from childhood was Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. Mostly because it is the first novel I remember reading all the way through! When I was a teen my father gave me over 200 Harlequin romance novels for Christmas. I spent most days reading, sometimes consuming two novels a day! I read so quickly I can’t remember the title of one novel I read! As for what I’ve read as an adult, I’ve read everything from Brock and Brodie Thoene’s historical series to Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight, enjoying them all.
Q. What was the first novel you can recall reading that inspired you to want to write, and why?
A. It’s hard to pick a novel that inspired me to write. I used to peck away short one page stories on an old electric typewriter but I guess my first attempt at a novel came after reading an Inspirational novel I found at the library about pirates. It was so good I didn’t want it to end, so I ‘tried’ to write my own. Unfortunately it never made it past the first editing stage.
Q. Which authors have most influenced you?
A. One of the authors that have influenced me the most has to be Francine Rivers. Her honesty about her conversion from the secular writing world to the world of inspirational writing was very interesting and moving.
Q. Tell us about your books that you have written and any upcoming projects you have in the works.
Currently my books consist of two novellas and one full length novel.
The Holiday Truce is a novella contained in the Celebrate the Season Anthology by Solstice Publishing. Celebrate is available in ebook and print form.
Lena Phillips and Frank Campbell are headed to Colorado for a professional conference. The couple is far from being friends, however, and bickering is one of their favorite pastimes. On their way, they find themselves on a country road and, because of their arguing, they have an accident. They are lost and alone. Will they be able to resolve their differences in order to survive? Will facing the elements allow them to discover their true feelings for one another? Follow Lena and Frank as their love is revealed in a permanent truce.
The Perfect Rose is my most recent novella released in ebook by Astraea Press on Feb. 8, 2011.
Abandoned by his wife and left to raise a child alone, Caleb Reed falls short of the ideal work-from-home dad. He needs a woman to help him, in every sense of the word. At the suggestion of a friend, Caleb agrees to hire Ariel Lauren on a trial basis.As an orphan, Ariel has more issues than just how to make it on her on. Yes, she needs the money that Caleb offers her, but more than anything she finds she desires his love. One calamity after another befalls her and jeopardizes her new job and her chance at having a family. Will they decide to continue life alone or will the magic of the holiday bring them together?
The Key is a full length paranormal romance novel released on Dec. 2010 by Solstice Publishing. Available in ebook and print.
A teenage girl suffering from a family tragedy, Maddie Clevenger is oblivious to the ancient mystery surrounding her. She’s young and incredibly unlucky, in life and in love. She should be enjoying her senior year of high school, but instead she is tormented by a reoccurring nightmare and a very real stalker. But all that changes when Chase Donovan, an Air Force brat with a protective streak, shows up at school. Will Chase be the key to helping her solve her stalker problem? Will he be the key to solving the mystery surrounding her family’s past?
As far as my up and coming projects that are out there, I’m working on a chick-lit book as well as an inspirational romance novel. I’m in the end stages and hope to start sending out queries soon.
On Writing:
Q. How do you research your novels?
A. Depends. Mostly I use what is available, which amounts to using what is readily at my fingertips…the internet!Q. Is there anything you absolutely must have in order to write?
A. In order to write I need, no I must have–Absolute Silence! No it really depends on what stage of the writing process I’m in. If I’m in the prewriting which I like to do on paper with a pen, then I can work and write almost anywhere at any time. But when I get to the first read through or second, third, fourth, etc…we all know we have to read our works until we’re sick of them… I do need silence.
Q. What is the most difficult part of writing for you?
A. I think the hardest part of writing for me has been trying to write future books while trying to promote the ones that have already published. With the advance in ebook technology more and more people are able to publish books. This has also caused many new smaller publishers to crop up and offer publishing services, but with that comes the author promoting their own works. With so many more authors being published any new author has to work doubly hard to get noticed. This takes more time than I thought was possible.
Q. What’s a typical working day like for you? When and where do you write?A. A typical day for me starts between 4:30 and 5:30 a.m. I rise, do a Bible reading, and get to work writing. I write until about 7:00 to 7:30 when it is time to check email. After which time I workout, feed my children, all the while preparing them for school. I homeschool and our work starts around 9:00 a.m. Sometimes I squeeze in a few more hours of writing in the afternoon but oft times the rest of the day is filled with promoting, if I’m lucky, or if I’m not, it’s filled with regular activities like laundry, dishes, cooking, and cleaning…see I said I was average!
Q. Tell us a little bit about your life online and any websites or blogs you maintain.
A. On the computer you can find me in all matter of places. I belong to Goodreads. I follow Coffeetime Romance as well as many other forums. I also run my own blog on my website Felicia Rogers Author. And I run a Facebook FanPage where I discuss my writing journey.
Just For Fun:
Q. What is your favorite quote?
A. My favorite quote is from the Bible. Phillipians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.” Q. Where is your favorite place to read?
A. My favorite place to read is on the couch. But I also like reading in the tub. Maybe one of these days I’ll have a huge spa surrounded by candles, filled with bubbles, with good lighting, and chocolate covered strawberries. Now that would be a place to read.
Q. If you were a supernatural or mythological entity, what, or who, would you be, and why?
A. If I could be any supernatural character, I would pick Kayla Silverfox. I would prefer the powers she has in the Wolverine Origins movie. In the film, Silverfox has what is called tactile hypnosis. This means she controls people as long as she is touching them. This would be the most awesome power a mother could have! Imagine no more arguing. Just by the power of a calm touch you would be obeyed. If only…
Q. If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you desperately want with you, and why?
A. If I was stranded on the desert island the first thing I would want would be TP. I couldn’t live without toilet paper. I would request a commode as well but then I might have to get rid of one of my other wants.
Next would be matches. This way I would have warmth as well as a way to cook food. Last but not least, Chocolate! I think this is self explanatory.
I want to thank Felicia for joining us here for an interview…and I must state for the record, “Wow! I’ll never complain about having too much to do and too little time again. She’s amazing!
Now before you leave us be sure to leave a comment to be entered to win a copy of The Last Rose, and don’t forget to download your complimentary musical jigsaw puzzle.
Smiles and Good Reading,
Smiles & Good Fortune, Teresa
It is not wealth one asks for, but just enough to preserve one’s dignity, to work unhampered, to be generous, frank and independent.
W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) Of Human Bondage, 1915