On October 3, 1904, a lone woman, inspired
by the desire to do something for the
needy ones of her race and state, began at
Daytona, Florida, a training school for
Negro girls. She had only one dollar and
a half in money, but she had faith, energy,
and a heart full of love for her people. To-day
she has an institution worth not less
than one hundred thousand dollars, with
plans for extensive and immediate enlargement,
and her school is one of the best conducted
and most clear-visioned in the country.
Such has been the result of boundless
energy and thrift joined to an unwavering
faith in God.
Mary McLeod was born July 10, 1875, in
a three-room log cabin on a little cotton and
rice farm about three miles from Mayesville,
South Carolina, being one in the large
family of Samuel and Patsy McLeod. Ambitious
even from her early years, she
yearned for larger and finer things than her
environment afforded; and yet even the life
that she saw around her was to prove a
blessing in disguise, as it gave to her deeper
and clearer insight into the problems, the
shortcomings, and the needs of her people.
In course of time she attended a little mission
school in Mayesville, and she was converted
at the age of twelve. Later she was
graduated at Scotia Seminary, Concord,
North Carolina, and then she went to the
Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. In the
years of her schooling she received some assistance
from a scholarship given by Miss
Mary Chrisman, a dressmaker of Denver,
Colorado. Mary McLeod never forgot that
she had been helped by a working woman.
Some day she intended to justify that faith,
and time has shown that never was a scholarship
invested to better advantage.
In 1898 Mary McLeod was married. She
became the mother of one son. Not long
after, the family moved to Palatka, Florida.
Now followed the hard years of waiting, of
praying, of hoping; but through it all the
earnest woman never lost faith in herself,
nor in God. She gained experience in a
little school that she taught, she sang with
unusual effect in the churches of the town,
and she took part in any forward movement
or uplift enterprise that she could. All the
while, however, she knew that the big task
was yet to come. She prayed, and hoped,
and waited.
By the fall of 1904 it seemed that the time
had come. In a little rented house, with five
girls, Mrs. Bethune began what is now the
Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute
for Negro Girls. By means of concerts and
festivals the first payment of five dollars was
made on the present site, then an old dump-pile.
With their own hands the teacher and
the pupils cleared away much of the rubbish,
and from the first they invited the co-operation
of the people around them by lending a
helping hand in any way they could, by
"being neighborly." In 1905 a Board of
Trustees was organized and the school was
chartered. In 1907 Faith Hall, a four-story
frame house, forty by fifty feet, was "prayed
up, sung up, and talked up;" and we can
understand at what a premium space was in
the earlier days when we know that this
building furnished dormitory accommodations
for teachers and students, dining-room,
reading room, storerooms, and bathrooms.
To the rear of Faith Hall was placed a two-story
structure containing the school kitchen
and the domestic science room. In 1909 the
school found it necessary to acquire a farm for the raising of live stock and vegetables
and for the practical outdoor training of the
girls. After six weeks of earnest work the
twelve-acre tract in front of the school was
purchased. In 1914 a Model Home was
built. In this year also an additional west
farm of six acres, on which was a two-story
frame building, was needed, asked for and
procured. In March, 1918, the labors of
fourteen years were crowned by the erection
and dedication of a spacious auditorium;
and among the speakers at the dedication
were the Governor of Florida and the Vice-President
of the United States. Efforts now
look forward to a great new dormitory for
the girls.
Such a bare account of achievements,
however, by no means gives one an adequate
conception of the striving and the hopings
and the praying that have entered into the
work. To begin with, Daytona was a strategic
place for the school. There was no other
such school along the entire east coast of
Florida, and as a place of unusual beauty
and attractiveness the town was visited
throughout the winter by wealthy tourists.
From the very first, however, the girls were
trained in the virtues of the home, and in
self-help. Great emphasis was placed on
domestic science, and not only for this as an
end in itself, but also as a means for the
larger training in cleanliness and thrift and
good taste. "We notice strawberries are
selling at fifty and sixty cents a quart," said
a visitor, "and you have a splendid patch.
Do you use them for your students or sell
them?" "We never eat a quart when we
can get fifty cents for them," was the reply.
"We can take fifty cents and buy a bone that
will make soup for us all, when a quart of
berries would supply only a few."
For one interested in education few pictures
could be more beautiful than that of
the dining-room at the school in the morning
of a day in midterm. Florida is warm often
even in midwinter; nevertheless, rising at
five gives one a keen appetite for the early
breakfast. The ceiling is low and there are
other obvious disadvantages; but over all is
the spirit of good cheer and of home. The
tablecloths are very white and clean; flowers
are on the different tables; at the head of
each a teacher presides over five or six girls;
the food is nourishing and well-prepared;
and one leaves with the feeling that if he had
a sister or daughter he would like for her to
have the training of some such place as this.
Of such quality is the work that has been
built up; and all has been accomplished
through the remarkable personality of the
woman who is the head and the soul of every
effort. Indomitable courage, boundless energy,
fine tact and a sense of the fitness of
things, kindly spirit, and firm faith in God
have deservedly given her success. Beyond
the bounds of her immediate institution her
influence extends. About the year 1912 the
trustees felt the need of so extending the
work as to make the school something of a
community center; and thus arose the McLeod
Hospital and Training School for
Nurses. In 1912, moved by the utter neglect
of the children of the turpentine camp
at Tomoka, Mrs. Bethune started work for
them in a little house that she secured. The
aim was to teach the children to be clean and
truthful and helpful, to sew and to sweep
and to sing. A short school term was
started among them, and the mission serves
as an excellent practice school for the girls
of the senior class in the Training School.
A summer school and a playground have
also been started for the children in Daytona.
Nor have the boys and young men
been neglected. Here was a problem of
unusual difficulty. Any one who has looked
into the inner life of the small towns of
Florida could not fail to be impressed by the
situation of the boys and young men. Hotel
life, a shifting tourist population, and a climate
of unusual seductiveness, have all left
their impress. On every side to the young
man beckons temptation, and in town after
town one finds not one decent recreation
center or uplifting social influence. Pool-rooms
abound, and the young man is blamed
for entering forbidden paths; but all too
often the Christian men and women of the
community have put forth no definite organized
effort for his uplift. All too often
there results a blasted life—a heartache for
a mother, or a ruined home for some young
woman. In Daytona, in 1913, on a lot near
the school campus, one of the trustees, Mr.
George S. Doane, erected a neat, commodious
building to be used in connection with
the extension work of the institution as a
general reading-room and home for the
Young Men's Christian Association; and
this is the only specific work so being done
for Negro boys in this section of the state.
A debating club, an athletic club, lecture
club, and prayer-meetings all serve as means
toward the physical, intellectual, and spiritual
development of the young men. A
"Better Boys Movement" is also making
progress and the younger boys are becoming interested in canning and farming as
well as being cared for in their sports and
No sketch of this woman's work should
close without mention of her activities for
the nation at large. Red Cross work or a
Liberty Loan drive has alike called forth her
interest and her energy. She has appeared
on some great occasions and before distinguished
audiences, such as that for instance
in the Belasco Theatre in Washington in
December, 1917, when on a noteworthy patriotic
occasion she was the only representative
of her race to speak.
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Smiles & Good Fortune,
is not wealth one asks for, but just enough to preserve one’s dignity,
to work unhampered, to be generous, frank and independent. W.
Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) Of Human Bondage, 1915
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